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Spring 2024


The Spaces In-Between: The Impact of Remittances on North Korean Mobility and Border Economy

Queralt Boadella-Prunell


Special Section

First Ladies of the DPRK: Categorizing the Roles of Kim Family Women Throughout North Korean History

Elizabeth Campbell


Navigating North Korea's Identity: A Cultural Theory Examination of Naming Practices and Implications for Engagement with the DPRK
Zoe Rebecca Stephens (周一)


Children at the Center of Society: Prospects for the Study of Childhood in North Korea

Bianca Trifoi


Security Dilemma's Shadow: Historical Analysis of North Korea's Nuclear Motivations during the 1950s-1960s 

Wooyun Jo


Commentary Essay

The Pyongyang-Moscow Security Nexus – Ultimately Not What It Seems

Liang Tuang Nah

Fall 2023



Digital Capital of North Korean Refugees: A Comparative Study of South Korean Citizens and North Korean Refugees 

Ho Youn Ko & Kyungmin Baek  


Protest Prevention, North Korean Style: A Multifactor Comparative Analysis of the DPRK, Romania, and Albania at ​the ​Cold War’s ​E​nd 

Esther Eui-Gyeong Kim  


The Bipolarity Paradox: A Preliminary Assessment of the Implications of the Strengthening China-Russia ‘Quasi-Alliance’ for the Korean Peninsula 

Lyle Goldstein & Vitaly Kozyrev 


Thinking About the Unthinkable: North Korea’s Nuclear Threat Towards China 

Diana Y. Myers 


Barriers to Resettlement Success Among North Koreans: A Public Health Issue 

Hami Kang 

Spring 2023



“Ignorantly Arrogant Souls”: Looking Back at U.S./UN Control Over North Korea in the Autumn of 1950

Adam Cathcart and Luke Thrumble

The Language of Dynasty: Quantitative Discourse Analysis of Kim Il-sung, Kim Jong-il, and Kim Jong-un, 1930–2020

Lawrence Kuznar

The Pragmatic Nationalist: Assessing Japan’s North Korea Policy Under Abe Shinzō

Oliver Jia

The Role of Economic Sanctions in Promoting North Korea’s Denuclearization

Man Feung Yeung

Public Diplomacy with North Korea: Reviewing a Policy Proposal

David Hall

Commentary Essays


North Korean Hackers: Vigilance Against Better Than Underestimation Of

Liang Tuang Nah

A Preemptive Strike: Will It Resolve the North Korean Nuclear Standoff?

Changsop Pyon, Suk Hi Kim, and Min Xu

Fall 2022


Distant Friends? Twenty Years of Brazil–DPRK Diplomatic Relations (2001–2021)

Danilo Marcondes

Why the Stalemate? A Critical Analysis of the South Korean Government’s Policy Approach to the North Korean Abductions of South Koreans

Monica Jeong

Consumption Without Capitalism: The Growth of Indirect Advertising in North Korean Film and Television

Rose Adams

Power Asymmetry and Nonproliferation: North Korea’s Perspective

Daniel Mitchum

Xi Jinping’s North Korea Policy: Efforts to Balance as a Norm-Based Great Power While Pursuing Its Interests

Yongsoon Kim and Jangho Kim

Spring 2022


Evolutionary Patterns in the Institution of Political Officers in the North Korean Army:

Coup-Proofing vs. Military Effectiveness

Fyodor Tertitskiy

Globalizing the DPRK? Domestic Developments and Cultural Globalization in North Korean Cuisine

Katariina Flinck

The Trump-Kim “Ripeness” Paradox and the Problematic “Precipitants”

Jalel Ben Haj Rehaiem

Digital Joseon: Digital Transformation Under North Korea’s Five-Year Plan

Jonathan Lim

Commentary Essays

North Korea’s Latest Missile Provocations Are Not Strategically Worrying

Liang Tuang Nah

Unfinished Business: The Implementation of U.S. Nonproliferation Engagement Toward North Korea

César Rodrigues

t’s Been “Groundhog Day” on the Korean Peninsula for Over 70 Years

Michael Baker

Fall 2021


Deviant Cases and Near-Miss Crises: Locating North Korea in the Asian Peace 

Van Jackson

The Ties That Bond? Attitudinal Factors Influencing South Korean Support for Unification and Peaceful Coexistence​

Madelynn Einhorn and Timothy S. Rich

Let Them Eat Potatoes: Communism, Famine and the Case of North Korea

Benjamin Katzeff Silberstein

Socialist Fraternalism or Socialist Realism? State Survival Versus Ideological Goals as Motivating Factors Behind North Korean Diplomacy Toward Other Socialist States

Jude Rowley

The Kim Il-sung Discourse as a Modern Myth: The Classical Mythic Format and Ego-Oriented Modernity

Hye-sin Yun

Spring 2021


Between Market Socialism and the New Man: Cuban and North Korean Economic Discourse in the 1960s

Moe Taylor

City Profile of Pyongyang 3.0: Inside Out

Pavel P. Em, Peter Ward, Jelena Prokopljevic, Liudmila V. Zakharova and Alek Sigley

Staying the Course: Denuclearization and Path Dependence in the U.S.'s North Korea Policy

Kimberly Peh and Soul Park

"This Is Iran, Not North Korea": Conflicting Images of the DPRK in Iranian Public Discourse

Balázs Szalontai

Commentary Essays

Aid to North Korea: A Survey of Open Source Data 

Becky Christofferson and Stephan Haggard

In Quest of "the North Korean Human": Reza Amirkhani in the Wonderland

Hossein Nazari and Reza Amirkhani

Yanggak Island Discs: Seeing and hearing North Korea Through Eight Songs

Peter Moody and James Banfill

Fall 2020


North Korea's Knowledge Economy and Foreign Direct Investment

Alexander Kriebitz

Economic Development Under Kim Jong-un: The added Value of Traffic Data and Established Indicators in the Study of North Korea's Economy

Maximilian Ernst and Eliana Kim

The Green Paradox: A Key Catalyst for Inter-Governmental Organizations' Environmental Assistance to North Korea

JeongWon Bourdais Park and Jacklin Suji Lee

Psychological Distancing Toward North Korean Refugees Under Republic of Korea–Style Unification: Recommendations and Ways Forward 

Carter Matherly​

Commentary Essays

Are They Paying attention? A Survey Analysis of South Korean Attention to North Korea

Madelynn Einhorn and Timothy S. Rich

The 1956 August Plenum Incident: An Historiographical Analysis

David Hall

Exporting North Korean Food Culture and Cuisines 

Tai Wei Lim

Special Feature

The Assessment of President Donald Trump's North Korean Policy

Suk Hi Kim​

Spring 2020


Diplomacy Among Comrades: North Korea's Relations with the Eastern European "Fraternal Countries," 1960-1964, in the Context of the Sino-Soviet Split

Natalia Matveeva

Between Economic Reform and Support of an "Independent National Economy": Special Economic Zones in North Korea

Théo Clément

Understanding the "Socialist Tourism" of North Korea Under Kim Jong Un: An Analysis of North Korean Discourse

Dean J. Ouellette

Trump's "Madman" Game in North Korea and the Pakistan Model

Jalel Ben Haj Rehaiem​

Commentary Essays

Trump and Kim Jung Un: Climbing the Diplomatic Ladder

Leif-Eric Easley

The Unresolved Korean Border, the Polarized Meta-Nation  and the North Korean Problem

Valérie Gelézeau

How Economic Sanctions Discourage the Prospect of Reunification of the Korean Peninsula (and What Might Help)

Surachanee Sriyai

Fall 2019



Learning to Share? A Cold War Solution for Denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula

Daniel Connolly and Alexander M. Hynd

Kim Jung-Un's Change of Stance: North Korea's Rapprochement for Peace in 2018

Annisa Pratamasari

The More Avid Historian? A Comparison Between Kim Jong-Il's and Kim Jong-Un's Uses and Usage Rates of the Korean War as a Heuristic in KCNA, 1998-2018

Dan Aum

A Cautionary Report: Resilience of the U.S.-ROK Alliance During the Pro-North Korea Engagement Era of Progressive Rule in South Korea

David Shin


The Prisoner's Dilemma and the U.S.-DPRK Summit in Vietnam

Liang Tuang Nah

North Korea's Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Program

Tai Wei Lim

Spring 2019


From Balancing to Bandwagoning: Evaluating the Impact of the Sanction Regime on North Korea–Africa Relationships 

Virginie Grzelczyk

Source Triangulation as an Instrument of Research on North Korea

Er-Win Tan

The FIFA World Cup, International Friendship and the “Mystery Men of the East”: When Middlesbrough Fell in Love with North Korea

Tosh Warwick

Determinants of Aid Modalities: A Case of South Korea on Triangular Cooperation and Its Implication Toward North Korea

Sojin Lim

Examining Attitude Functions of North Korean Cultural Propaganda

Carter Matherly


North Korea’s “Endgame”: Peaceful Two-State Solution or Coercive Unification?

Matthias Maass

Fall 2018



The Concerns and Potential of North Korean Defector Students’ Education: Teachers’ Perceptions at “A Alternative School”

Jin Ah Kim and Sung-Sang Yoo

Urbanization in North Korea: An Outline of Its Peculiarities and an Estimation of Its Real Rate

Pavel P. Em

Changes in the North Korean Welfare System: A Comparison of the Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Un Eras

Min Kichae and Ko Hyejin

Cold War Stasis: Past and Continuing Problems in the Normalization of Japan–North Korea Relations

Anthony DiFilippo




Singapore as Aspiration: Making Further Use of the City-State to Engage North Korea

Andray Abrahamian

The Singapore Summit Joint Statement: An Incremental Movement Toward Peace on the Korean Peninsula

Jonathan Lim

Spring 2018



Securitizing Cooperation: Nuclear Politics and Inter-Korean Relations

Marco Milani

Socializing a Nuclear North Korea: Human Security in Northeast Asia

Markus Bell and Geoffrey Fattig

Dramatic Political Change in North Korea: Human Flight and Regional Stability

Bridget L. Coggins

Conditional Security: The Neoliberal Subjectification of North Koreans in South Korea

Sarah Bregman

The North Korean Regime, Domestic Instability and Foreign Policy

Joonbum Bae

Why Expanded North Korean Sanctions Fail

Colonel Robert S. Renfro II




More Than Regime Survival

Patrick McEachern

Fall 2017


Unique or Common? The Kim Jong-un Regime and Modern Authoritarianism

Bon Sang Koo

Inter-Korean Integration Mirrored in Division Films: Changing Collective Emotion in South Korea toward Inter-Korean Integration

Lee Woo-Young & Kim Myoung-Shin

The Political Logic of Economic Backwardness in North Korea

Francis Schortgen



North Korean Human Rights Abuses and Their Consequences

Gregory W. Ulferts & Terry L. Howard



ASEAN and North Korea’s Nuclear and Missile Programs

Liang Tuang Nah​

Pyongyang, Propaganda & Postage Stamps

Mark Sommer

Spring 2017


Bullying or Reciprocity? Predominant Pattern of Behaviour between the United States and North Korea

Jan Blinka & Zdeněk Kříž

Cooperation and Limitations of China’s Sanctions on North Korea: Perception, Interest, and Institutional Environment

Kihyun Lee & Jangho Kim

The Paradox of North Korea’s Nuclear diplomacy: Insights from Conflict Transformation Theory

Christoph Bluth

Political, Social, and Economic Inequality in North Korea

Zachary Patterson


Reasons for a Policy of Engagement with North Korea: The Role of China

Suk Hi Kim

North Korea’s Nuclear Tests and Sino-US Cooperation

Keyou Gong

Fall 2016


Discovering Mineralogical Terrains and Landscapes of North Korean and Soviet Development, 1945-1950 in the Captured Documents Collection

Robert Winstanley-Chesters

Income among North Korean Refugees in South Korea: A Longitudinal Survey

Jin-Won Noh, Young Dae Kwon, and Shieun Yu

Small-Power Diplomacy in Northeast Asia: Mongolian-North Korean Relations During the Cold War, 1948–1989

Balázs Szalontai

A Quantitative Study of the North Korean Informal Sector Using Night-Time Lights Satellite Imagery

Maximilian Ernst & Roman Jurowetzki


Anything Could Happen: Newly Declassified CIA Documents Tell an Entirely Different North Korea 'Pueblo Incident' Story

Bill Streifer



Investing in the World’s Most Isolated Country: Challenges Faced by Chinese Private Investors in North Korea

YaoHui Wang

Differing Approaches to Non-Traditional Security and Impediments to Interstate Cooperation in North Korea-Russia Bilateral Relations

Anthony V. Rinna

Difficulties in Gathering and Understanding Intelligence about North Korea

Stephan Blancke

Spring 2016


Nutrition and Health in North Korea: What's New, What's Changed and Why It Matters

Hazel Smith  ***CORRECTION***

Between Politics and Economics in Seoul's North Korea Policy

Kevin Gray

War Politics, Visuality and Governmentality in South Korea

Henry Em

China's Nuclear-Armed Proxy-North Korea: Hostile Surrogacies and Rational Security Adjustments

Shepherd Iverson


Time to Think Outside the Box: A Proposal to Achieve Denuclearization by Prioritizing the China-DPRK Relationship

Lyle J. Goldstein


North Korea's Fourth Nuclear Test: More Bark ... and More Bite?

Andrew O'Neil

Looking Past the Saber Rattling of Pyongyang's Fourth Nuclear Test

Liang Tuang Nah

Fall 2015


Socio-Economic Change in the DPRK and Korean Security Dilemmas

The Implications for International Policy

Rüdiger Frank

The Kim Dynasty and North- East Asian Security: Breaking the Cycle of Crises?

Virginie Grzelczyk

Unity, Division and Ideational Security on the Korean Peninsula: Challenges to Overcoming the Korean Conflict

Sarah A. Son

Toward a Normal State-to-State Relationship? China and DPRK In Changing Northeast Asia

Ren Xiao




Overcoming U.S.-DRPK Hostility: The Missing Link BetweenA Northeast Asian Comprehensive Security Settlement And Ending the Korean War

Peter Hayes

Sanctions Easing as a Sign of Non-Hostility

Leon V. Sigal

Spring 2015


How Beneficial Would the Construction of a Rason-Hunchun Sub-Regional Economic Cooperation Zone in the Northeast Asian Borderlands Be?

Sung-Hoon Lim

Inevitable Reform? The Politico-Economic Choices Facing North Korea Under Kim Jong-Un's Rule

Hanhee Lee

Institutional Multilateralism in Northeast Asia: A Path Emergence Theory Perspective

Ki-joon Hong

Sweden's Engagement with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Magnus Andersson, Jinsun Bae

The Survival of North Korea: A Case for Rethinking the U.S.-North Korea Nuclear Standoff

Suk Hi Kim

The US-North Korea Geneva Agreement: Strategic Choices and Credible Commitments

Eunyoung Ha, Christopher Hwang

Fall 2014


Economic Integration, External Forces and Political Cooperation Between South and North Korea

Wonjae Hwang, Hyejin Oh, & Jinman Lim

Mongolia and the DPRK at 65: Ulaanbaatar's changing relationship with Pyongyang

Tjalling H.F. Halbertsma

International Cooperation and the Logistics Market in Northeast Asia: Problems and Prospects for North Korea

Seong-gul Hong, Sung-woo Lee, & Sung-jun Park

China to North Korea Tourism: A Leisure Business on a Tense Peninsula

Jie Yang, Liyan Han, & Guangyu Ren

Alleviating Misery: The Politics of North Korean Human Rights in U.S. Foreign Policy 

Andrew I. Yeo

Applying the Lessons of South Africa Nuclear Disarmament to North Korea

Liang Tuang Nah

Spring 2014


Addressing North Korean Security Challenges Through Non-State-Centric International Economic Engagement

Brendan Howe, Jason Park

Command Without Control? Nuclear Crisis Instability on the Korean Peninsula

Andrew O'Neil

Framing the Nuke: How News Media Among Countries in the Six-Party Talks Framed North Korea's Nuclear Test

Mun-Young Chung, Justin R. Lessman, Meijing Fan

Immunity to Resistance? State-Society Relations and Political Stability in North Korea in a Comparative Perspective

Balázs Szalontai, Changyong Choi

The Hermit Kingdom Goes Online … Information Technology, Internet Use and Communication Policy in North Korea

Bernhard Seliger, Stefan Schmidt

True Believers: Conversations with North Koreans

David P. Fields

Fall 2013


Business Risk and Ethics in Prospective Emerging Markets: The Case of Sports Sponsorship in North Korea

Sven Horak

China's Policy Toward North Korea Under the Xi Jinping Leadership

Hong Nack Kim

From Pre- to Post-Famine: Trends in Underweight Among North Korean Children, 1987-2012

Daniel Schwekendiek

Future Development Assistance to North Korea Through the Establishment of Multi-Donor Trust Funds

Jong-Woon Lee, Hyoungsoo Zang

Human Rights and Refugee Status of the North Korean Diaspora

Jin Woong Kang

North Korea's Cultural Diplomacy in the Early Kim Jong-un Era

Adam Cathcart, Steven Denney

The Effectiveness of Economic Sanctions Against a Nuclear North Korea

Suk Hi Kim, Mario Martin-Hermosillo

The Evolution of Financial Sanctions on North Korea

Daniel Wertz

Spring 2013


A New Face of North Korean Drug Use: Upsurge in Methamphetamine Abuse Across the Northern Areas of North Korea

Andrei Lankov, Seok-hyang Kim

Engagement? Containment?: The Role of Identity in the Formation of South Korea's Policy Toward Pyongyang

Soon-ok Shin

Explaining North Korean Nuclear Weapons Motivations: Constructivism, Liberalism, and Realism

Liang Tuang Nah

North Korea and the Contradiction of Inversion: Dictatorship, Markets, Social Reform

Alzo David-West

North Korea's Threat Perception and Provocation Under Kim Jong-un: The Security Dilemma and the Obsession with Political Survival

Yongho Kim

The NLL: Moving from Negotiation and Confrontation to a Lasting Peace

Matthew Clayton

Why Did So Many Influential Americans Think North Korea Would Collapse?

Bruce Cumings

Fall 2012


Channeling Inter-Korean Aid to Targeted Groups: South Korean NGOs in the North Korean Food Crisis

Arnold H. Fang

"Defector," "Refugee," or "Migrant"? North Korean Settlers in South Korea's Changing Social Discourse

Sung Kyung Kim

Economic Cooperation Between the Two Koreas

Semoon Chang

From Monolithic Totalitarian to Collective Authoritarian Leadership? Performance-Based Legitimacy and Power Transfer in North Korea

Rudiger Frank, Phillip H. Park

Future Tasks and Strategy for Inter-Korean Fisheries Cooperation

Seong-gul Hong, Sung-jun Park

North Korea-China Relations: An Asymmetric Alliance

Sangit Sarita Dwivedi

The Korean Peace Fund

Shepherd Iverson

The Six-Party Talks in the Post-Kim Jong-il Era: An Emergent Path toward a Northeast Asian Security Mechanism

Ki-Joon Hong

Spring 2012

Failure to Relaunch?: The United States, Nuclear North Korea, and the Future of the Six-Party Talks

Virginie Grzelczyk

North Korean Contingency and Resolving Conflicts Among Regional States

Jung-hyun Cho, Dong-ho Han, Ji-Yong Lee

North Korea's Perception and Policy on a Northeast Asian Order

Kap-sik Kim

North Korea and the Opinion of Fascism: A Case of Mistaken Identity

Alzo David-West

Paradox of Neoliberalism: Arab Spring's Implications on North Korea

Sang-soo Lee

Patience or Lethargy?: U.S. Policy toward North Korea under the Obama Administration

Taehyung Ahn

Predictors of Kim Jong-il's On-the-Spot Guidance under Military-First Politics

Insoo Kim, Min Yong Lee

Social Origins of Nuclear Policy: A Niebuhrian Dilemma of the U.S. Policies toward North Korea

Ray Dongryul Kim

Unprecedented Nuclear Strikes of the Invincible Army: A Realistic Assessment of North Korea's Operational Nuclear Capability

Peter Hayes, Scott Bruce

Fall 2011


Alleviating Misery: The Politics of North Korean Human Rights in U.S. Foreign Policy

Andrew I. Yeo

Another Way to North Korea's Denuclearization: Multilateral Approach to Nuclear Fuel Cycle

Joo Hyun Moon

Beyond Economic Sanctions: Rethinking the North Korean Sanctions Regime

Matthias Maass

Call for Papers

Bernhard Seliger

China–North Korea Relations

Dick K. Nanto, Mark E. Manyin

Has South Korea's Engagement Policy Reduced North Korea's Provocations?

Insoo Kim, Minyong Lee

Institutional Entrepreneurs in North Korea: Emerging Shadowy Private Enterprises Under Dire Economic Conditions

Jae-Cheon Lim, InJoo Yoon

Managing Supply Chain Risks and Risk Mitigation Strategies

Chang Won Lee, Gregory W. Ulferts

Protection for Chinese Nationals Who Have Provided Humanitarian Assistance to North Korean Escapees: Recent Developmenets in U.S. Immigration Law

Andrew Wolman

Strategic Patience or Back to Engagement? Obama's Dilemma on North Korea

Changsop Pyon

The Decline of the North Korean Surveillance State

Andrei Lankov, Kwak In-ok

Spring 2011


An Examination of China's Treatment of North Korean Asylum Seekers

Russell Aldrich

Is North Korea Putting All of the Eggs in One Basket?

Hyung-min Joo

North Korea's Denuclearization and a Peace Treaty

Anthony DiFilippo

North Korea's 2009 Currency Reform in the Context of National Narrative

Andray Abrahamian

On the Politics of Exhibiting North Korean Art

David Shim

The Future of the Two Koreas: How to Build Peace on the Korean Peninsula

Dong-ho Han

The Northeast Asian Energy Situation and the North Korean Factor

Suk Hi Kim, Junhua Jia, Michael Whitty

Fall 2010


A Game-Theoretic Approach to Derivation of President Barack Obama's North Korea Policy

Inchul Kim

Evolution of North Korean Drug Trafficking: State Control to Private Participation

Minwoo Yun, Eunyoung Kim

North Korea: Fading Totalitarianism in the "Hermit Kingdom"

Benjamin Katzeff Silberstein

North Korean Newsbriefs

Alzo David-West

North Korea's Insecurity Dilemma

Brendan Howe

North Korea's Nuclear Policy towards the U.S.: The Bureaucratic Politics Model

Mun Suk Ahn

On Bringing Japan's Pachinko Gaming Industry into the Debate on North Korea

Eli Magaña

Seven Business Models for Success of North Korea's Economic Reform

Sung-Hoon Lim

Why Has Son-Preference Disappeared in North Korea?

Daniel Schwekendiek

Spring 2010


Human Rights Policies of China and Japan towards North Korea: Domestic Agendas and International Norms

Mikyoung Kim

North Korea's Trade and Foreign Direct Investment: Does North Korea Follow Vietnam's Path?

Kang H. Park

Paradigm Conflicts among Allies: Historical Origins of the U. S.-ROK Split over North Korea

Ray Dongryul Kim

Phases of the Relationship between East Germany and North Korea after World War II

Sven Horak

Reform without Transition: The Economic Situation in North Korea since the July 1, 2002, Measures

Un-Chul Yang

Teaching English to North Korean Refugees in South Korea: An Interview with Karen Choi

Alzo David-West

U.S.—North Korean Relations: Classifications Based on Policy Decisions and Their Effect on the Korean Peninsula

Seung Hyun Lee

U.S.—North Korea Relations under the Obama Administration: Problems and Prospects

Hong Nack Kim

Fall 2009


Abduction: Japan's Blunders in Negotiations with North Korea

Takahiro Yamamoto

A New North Korean Policy under the Obama Administration

Joanna C. Cooper

North Korean Intelligence Structures

Stephan Blancke

North Korea's Place in the U.S. Presidency: Ethos and Moral Judgments

Mikyoung Kim

The Anatomy of North Korea's Foreign Policy Formulation

Kei Koga

The Kaesong Inter-Korean Industrial Complex: Perspectives and Prospects

Suk Hi Kim, Eul-Chul Lim

The Likely Impact of the U.S. Recession on Negotiations with North Korea

Semoon Chang


North Korean Newsbriefs

Alzo David-West

The Chronology of the North Korean Nuclear Program

Spring 2009


North Korea and the Northern Limit Line

Terrence Roehring

Regime Change in North Korea? Economic Reform and Political Opportunity structures

Kyung-Ae Park

The Paradox of North Korean Ideological Radicalism: Shaky Social Basis

of Strengthening Ideological Campaigns

Aie- Rie Lee, Hyun-Chool Lee,  Ji-Yong Lee, and Il-Gi Kim

Telecommunications in North Korea: Has Orascom Made the Connections?

Marcus Noland

Distribution of Land Property in North Korea after Reunification: A Constitutional Point of View

Kolija Naumann

A Perspective on Institutional Change in North Korea

Thomas F.Cargil

The Origins of the Great North Korean Famine: Its Dynamics and Normative Implications

William J.Moon

Fall 2008


Beyond Brinkmanship: Geographical Constraints and North Korea's Evolving Tactics

Rodger Baker

Changes in the North Korean Economy Reported by North Korean Refugees

Young-Hoon Lee

Current North Korean Economy: Overview and Prospects for Change

Youn Suk Kim

Editor's Comments: Northeast Asian Peace, Energy, and Economy: The North Korean Factor

Suk Kim

North Korea's Clash of Cultures

Ralph C. Hassig, Kongdan Oh

North Korea's Shady Transnational Business Activities and Their Future Prospects

Tai-Wei Lim

Song of Youth: North Korean Music from Liberation to War

Adam Cathcart

Stalinism, Post-Stalinism, and Neo-Capitalism: To Be or Not to Be?

Alzo David-West

Why Has North Korea Responded Positively to the Nuclear Talks in 2007?

Semoon Chang

Spring 2008


Impacts of the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement on Inter-Korean Relations

SeungHyun Lee

Japanese-North Korean Relations After the Second Pyongyang Summit of 2004

Hong Nack Kim, Jack L. Hammersmith

Legal Reforms and Foreign Investment in the Inter-Korean Project: The Kaesong Industrial Complex

Eul-chul Lim

The Evolution of North Korea's Political System and Pyongyang's Potential for Conflict Management

Andrew Scobell

The Roles of South Korean Central and Local Governments in Inter-Korean Cooperation

Yong-Hwan Choi

The Soviet Union's economic and political implosion … the fate of North Korea?

Will Sung Yang

U.S. Sanctions and Treasury Department Actions Against North Korea from 1955 to October 2007

Karin Lee, Julia Choi

Which Country Will Be the World Economic Leader in the Next Generation: The United States or China? And the North Korean Factor

Suk Kim, Trevor Crick, Junhua Ji

Fall 2007


The Denuclearization Agreement of February 13 , 2007, And Its Implementation

Suk Kim

The Beijing Deal Is Not the Agreed Framework

Peter Hayes

Can the New Nuclear Deal with North Korea Succeed?

C.Kenneth Quinonnes

Market Reform in North Korea: Are They for Real?

Jong S. You

Reasons for Investing in North Korea

Suk Kim, Hassan Musuwi and Bahman Mirshab

North Korea: From Failing towards Reforming State?

Joachim Ahrens

Casting American Sunshine on North Korea

Edward A.Olsen

Why Do We Not Understand the DPRK?

Alon Levkowits

The North Korean Positive Hero in the People of the Fighting Village

Alzo David-West

The Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement on April 1, 2007 and Kaseong Industrial Complex

Spring 2007

The Economic Implications of North Korea Nuclear Breakout

Marcus Noland

Gaeseong Industrial Complex Project: How Large Will the Birdcage Be?

Dalgon Lee

Evaluation of North Korean July 2002 Economic Reform

Sung-Wook Nam

North Korean Desired Strategy and Approach toward the European Union

Hun Kyung Lee

A Proposed North Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement and Kaesong Industrial Complex

Suk Kim and Hassan Moussawi

Northeast Asia Policy Under George W. Bush: Doctrine in Search of Policy

Mel Gurtov

Historical Changes in North Korean Nationalism

Jin Woong Kang

North Korea's Plan to Unload the Fuel Rods again

Selig S.Harrison

United Nations Economic Sanctions Against a Nuclear North Korea

Fall 2006

Income, Wealth and Political Power in North Korea

Bernhard Seliger

Facilitating Reform in North Korea: the Role of Regional Actors and NGOs

Peter M Beck and Nicholas Reader

Should U.S. Economic Sanctions Against North Korea Be Lifted?

Semoon Chang

Special Economic Zones as Survival Strategy of North Korea

Sung-Hoon Lim and Kang-Taeng Lim

An Increasing Inter-Korean Economic Integration: The Case Of the Gaeseong Industrial Park

Youn-Suk Kim

Nationalist Allegory in North Korea: The Revolutionary Opera Sea of Blood

Alzo David-West

Introduction to and Implications of Gaeseong Industrial Complex Project

The Ministry of Unification of the republic of Korea

Gaeseong Industrial Complex: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The Ministry of Unification of the Republic of Korea

North Korea’s Military-First Policy: A Curse or a Blessing

Alexandre V. Vorotslov

Spring 2006


Market Enhancing Governance on the Korean Peninsula : The Role of Credibility and Transitional Institutions

Joachim Ahrens

North Korea's Foreign Trade: An Indicator of Political Dynamics

Sang T. Choe, Hyun Jeong Cho, & Sang jang Kwon

Developments and Prospects of the North Korean Economic Policies since 1990

Young-hoon Lee

The Effectiveness of Economic Sanctions: The Case of North Korea

Michael Whitty, Suk Kim, & Trevor Crick

North Korea's Move to a Market Economy: Is Reunification with South Korea Necessary?

Elizabeth Kirby & Nels Olson

Between Peace and War: The Proliferation Security Initiative and North Korea

Kongdan Oh

The North Korean Human Rights Act of 2004

Semoon Chang

The North Korean Human Rights Act of 2004: More Rhetoric or a New US Policy Statement?

Jacques. G Boettcher

Getting Around Pyongyang's Hardliners

Selig S. Harrison

Fall 2005


Chronology of the North Korean Nuclear Crisis

Economic and Financial Reform: Alternatives for North Korea

Thomas F. Cargill, Elliott Parker

Ending the North Korean Nuclear Crisis: A Proposal by the Task Force on U.S. Korea Policy

Selig S. Harrison

Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Gaesung Industrial Park: An Inter-Korea Business Perspective

Chang Won Lee

How to Deal with a Nuclear North Korea: Containment or Engagement?

Suk Kim

Is North Korea a Viable Economic Partner?

Sang T. Choe, Hyan Jeong Cho, Sang Jang Kwon

North Korean Telecommunications: On Hold

Stacey Banks

Strategies for Inter-Korean Economic Cooperation: A Managerial Approach

Hoon Park

The July 2002 Reforms in North Korea: Liberman-Style Reforms or Road to Transformation?

Bernhard Seliger

The U.S.-North Korean Human Rights Act of 2004: A Summary

Jack Boettcher

U.S.-North Korean Relations: Foreign Policy Dilemmas

Edwards A. Olsen


Lonnie Edge 

Managing Editor


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